Dau Du Jing
Joel Fairchild
I have long believed it is important to me to do good for its own sake, not out of fear of an angry
Judgmental god. Having traveled & lived in several parts of the world, I Have been exposed to a
Plethora of different concepts and belief systems. All of which I find Inconsistent & highly
Illogical and the main purpose seems to be to control people, Specifically women, and the cause
of the vast majority of hate & wars in the history of our Species. So I have no interest in being
Part of the ensuing madness, The Prejudice, bigotry and endless wars…
As a result I have always tried to live by the sage rule do unto others as you would have
Them do unto you, and for much of my life this worked out just fine… I noticed the first
Beginnings of change in the late 60’s, by the early 70’s it became quite clear that a trend was
Afoot if you were a gentleman and played by the rules your Grace & kindness would not only
Be viewed suspiciously but seen as a weakness in certain segments of society.
This was most apparent in the business world and by the 1980’s it had not only become the norm
but dogma. This realization presented me with a fundamental moral dilemma; I either changed
my way of Doing business (To match the lack of ethics of my potential partners & competitors
or risk Continued losses in the projects I was perusing). Or be content in the employ of someone
else. I thought about this intensely for quite some time, playing over the different approaches I
might take to my future endeavors, which lead me to the conclusion that there was no other way
for me to Do business & be able to look at myself in the mirror each morning, which lead me to
Strive Harder to live every aspect of my life on the one true path, not only in business but in my
Interpersonal and way of life in terms of society & the planet I called home.
So that is what I have done from that day to this, to live my life by my own code of bushido.